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Geboren 1975 in Cuxhaven. Schon während der Schulzeit drehte er seine „Harald“-Triologie. Seit 1995 Student in der Filmabteilung der Kunsthochschule Kassel. Schwerpunkt in den Bereichen Regie, Drehbuch und Schnitt. Dozenten u.a. Manfred Vosz, Günter Reisch, Yana Drousz, David Safarian, Joel Baumann.
Seit 1999 Auftritte als Schauspieler in Kurzfilmen und auf der Bühne.
Seit 2004 Regisseur verschiedener Musikvideos.

Born 1975 in Cuxhaven, Germany. Started directing films back in school with his “Dirty Harald- Trilogy”, which brought him first attention to small audiences. Became a film-student at the Kunsthochschule Kassel in 1995. Took classes in directing, screenplay and editing. His main professors were Yana Drouz, David Safarian, Manfred Vosz, Günter Reisch and Joel Baumann. During his studies he began working as an actor in several short-movies and on stage. Directed several music-clips. Graduated with his latest film “1000 days” and received the highest distinction.